use std::fmt;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32;
use skyline::hooks::{getRegionAddress, Region};
use skyline::nn;
pub static mut LOADED_TABLES_ADRP_OFFSET: usize = 0x324c3a0;
pub static mut RES_SERVICE_ADRP_OFFSET: usize = 0xaf0b04;
0xf3, 0x03, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x1f, 0x01, 0x09, 0x6b, 0xe0, 0x04, 0x00, 0x54,
0x04, 0x01, 0x49, 0xfa, 0x21, 0x05, 0x00, 0x54, 0x5f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf9, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf9,
pub fn find_subsequence(haystack: &[u8], needle: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
.position(|window| window == needle)
fn offset_from_adrp(adrp_offset: usize) -> usize {
unsafe {
let adrp = *(offset_to_addr(adrp_offset) as *const u32);
let immhi = (adrp & 0b0_00_00000_1111111111111111111_00000) >> 3;
let immlo = (adrp & 0b0_11_00000_0000000000000000000_00000) >> 29;
let imm = ((immhi | immlo) << 12) as i32 as usize;
let base = adrp_offset & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000;
base + imm
fn offset_from_ldr(ldr_offset: usize) -> usize {
unsafe {
let ldr = *(offset_to_addr(ldr_offset) as *const u32);
let size = (ldr & 0b11_000_0_00_00_000000000000_00000_00000) >> 30;
let imm = (ldr & 0b00_000_0_00_00_111111111111_00000_00000) >> 10;
(imm as usize) << size
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref LOADED_TABLES_RES_SERVICE_OFFSETS : (usize, usize) = {
unsafe {
let text_ptr = getRegionAddress(Region::Text) as *const u8;
let text_size = (getRegionAddress(Region::Rodata) as usize) - (text_ptr as usize);
let text = std::slice::from_raw_parts(text_ptr, text_size);
if let Some(offset) = find_subsequence(text, LOADED_TABLES_ADRP_SEARCH_CODE) {
} else {
println!("Error: no offset found for 'loaded_tables_adrp'. Defaulting to 8.0.0 offset. This likely won't work.");
if let Some(offset) = find_subsequence(text, RES_SERVICE_ADRP_SEARCH_CODE) {
} else {
println!("Error: no offset found for 'res_service_adrp'. Defaulting to 9.0.0 offset. This likely won't work.");
let adrp_offset = offset_from_adrp(LOADED_TABLES_ADRP_OFFSET);
let ldr_offset = offset_from_ldr(LOADED_TABLES_ADRP_OFFSET + 4);
let loaded_tables_offset = adrp_offset + ldr_offset;
let adrp_offset = offset_from_adrp(RES_SERVICE_ADRP_OFFSET);
let ldr_offset = offset_from_ldr(RES_SERVICE_ADRP_OFFSET + 4);
let res_service_offset = adrp_offset + ldr_offset;
(loaded_tables_offset, res_service_offset)
pub static mut LOADED_TABLES_OFFSET: usize = 0x50567a0;
pub static mut RES_SERVICE_OFFSET: usize = 0x50567a8;
pub fn offset_to_addr(offset: usize) -> *const () {
unsafe { (getRegionAddress(Region::Text) as *const u8).offset(offset as isize) as _ }
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum FileState {
Unused = 0,
Unloaded = 1,
Unk2 = 2,
Loaded = 3,
impl fmt::Display for FileState {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
pub struct Table1Entry {
pub table2_index: u32,
pub in_table_2: u32,
impl Table1Entry {
pub fn get_t2_entry(&self) -> Result<&Table2Entry, LoadError> {
.get(self.table2_index as usize)
impl fmt::Display for Table1Entry {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
unsafe {
"Table2 index: {} (In Table2: {})",
self.in_table_2 != 0
pub struct Table2Entry {
pub data: *const u8,
pub ref_count: AtomicU32,
pub is_used: bool,
pub state: FileState,
pub file_flags2: bool,
pub flags: u8,
pub version: u32,
pub unk: u8,
impl fmt::Display for Table2Entry {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"State: {}, Flags: {}, RefCount: {:x?}, Data loaded: {}, Version: {:#x}, Unk: {}",
pub struct LoadedTables {
pub mutex: *mut nn::os::MutexType,
pub table1: *mut Table1Entry,
pub table2: *mut Table2Entry,
pub table1_len: u32,
pub table2_len: u32,
pub table1_count: u32,
pub table2_count: u32,
pub table1_list: CppVector<u32>,
pub loaded_directory_table: *const (),
pub loaded_directory_table_size: u32,
pub unk2: u32,
pub unk3: CppVector<u32>,
pub unk4: u8,
pub unk5: [u8; 7],
pub addr: *const (),
pub loaded_data: &'static mut LoadedData,
pub version: u32,
pub struct LoadedData {
arc: &'static mut LoadedArc,
search: &'static mut LoadedSearch,
pub struct LoadedArc {
pub magic: u64,
pub music_data_offset: u64,
pub file_data_offset: u64,
pub file_data_offset_2: u64,
pub fs_offset: u64,
pub fs_search_offset: u64,
pub unk_offset: u64,
pub loaded_fs: *const (),
pub loaded_fs_2: *const (),
pub region_entry: *const (),
pub file_path_buckets: *const (),
pub file_path_to_index_hash_group: *const (),
pub file_info_path: *const FileInfoPath,
pub file_info_idx: *const FileInfoIndex,
pub dir_hash_group: *const (),
pub dir_list: *const (),
pub dir_offset: *const (),
pub dir_child_hash_group: *const (),
pub file_info: *const FileInfo,
pub file_info_sub_index: *const FileInfoSubIndex,
pub sub_files: *const SubFile,
pub struct CppVector<T> {
start: *const T,
end: *const T,
eos: *const T,
pub struct LoadedSearch {
pub header: *const (),
pub body: *const FsSearchBody,
pub file_path_to_idx: *const HashIndexGroup,
pub idx_to_group: *const HashGroup,
pub path_to_idx: *const HashIndexGroup,
pub idx_to_path_group_idx: *const (),
pub path_group: *const HashGroup,
pub struct FsSearchBody {
pub file_path_length: u32,
pub idx_length: u32,
pub path_group_length: u32,
impl LoadedArc {
pub fn get_subfile_by_t1_index(&self, t1_index: u32) -> &mut SubFile {
let mut file_info = self.lookup_file_information_by_t1_index(t1_index);
let file_index = self.lookup_fileinfoindex_by_t1_index(t1_index);
if (file_info.flags & 0x00000010) == 0x10 {
file_info = self.lookup_file_information_by_t1_index(file_index.file_info_index);
let mut sub_index = self.lookup_fileinfosubindex_by_index(file_info.sub_index_index);
if (file_info.flags & 0x00008000) == 0x8000 {
sub_index = self.lookup_fileinfosubindex_by_index(
file_info.sub_index_index + 1 + ResServiceState::get_instance().regular_region_idx,
let sub_file =
unsafe { self.sub_files.offset(sub_index.sub_file_index as isize) as *mut SubFile };
unsafe { &mut *sub_file }
pub fn lookup_fileinfopath_by_t1_index(&self, t1_index: u32) -> &mut FileInfoPath {
let file_info_path_table = self.file_info_path;
let file_info =
unsafe { file_info_path_table.offset(t1_index as isize) as *mut FileInfoPath };
unsafe { &mut *file_info }
pub fn lookup_fileinfoindex_by_t1_index(&self, t1_index: u32) -> &mut FileInfoIndex {
let file_info_path = self.lookup_fileinfopath_by_t1_index(t1_index);
let file_info_idx = unsafe {
.offset(file_info_path.path.index.as_u32() as isize)
as *mut FileInfoIndex
unsafe { &mut *file_info_idx }
pub fn lookup_file_information_by_t1_index(&self, t1_index: u32) -> &mut FileInfo {
let file_info_idx = self.lookup_fileinfoindex_by_t1_index(t1_index);
let file_info_table = self.file_info as *mut FileInfo;
let file_info =
unsafe { file_info_table.offset((*file_info_idx).file_info_index as isize) };
unsafe { &mut (*file_info) }
pub fn lookup_fileinfosubindex_by_index(&self, sub_index_index: u32) -> &mut FileInfoSubIndex {
let file_info_sub_index_table = self.file_info_sub_index as *mut FileInfoSubIndex;
let file_info_sub_index =
unsafe { &mut *file_info_sub_index_table.offset(sub_index_index as isize) };
pub struct FileInfo {
pub path_index: u32,
pub index_index: u32,
pub sub_index_index: u32,
pub flags: u32,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SubFile {
pub offset: u32,
pub compressed_size: u32,
pub decompressed_size: u32,
pub flags: u32,
pub struct FileInfoPath {
pub path: HashIndexGroup,
pub extension: HashIndexGroup,
pub parent: HashIndexGroup,
pub file_name: HashIndexGroup,
pub struct FileInfoIndex {
pub dir_offset_index: u32,
pub file_info_index: u32,
pub struct FileInfoSubIndex {
pub folder_offset_index: u32,
pub sub_file_index: u32,
pub file_info_index_and_flag: u32,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct HashIndexGroup {
pub hash40: Hash40,
pub index: U24,
pub struct HashGroup {
pub path: HashIndexGroup,
pub parent: HashIndexGroup,
pub file_name: HashIndexGroup,
pub extension: HashIndexGroup,
impl fmt::Debug for HashIndexGroup {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "0x{:x}", self.hash40.as_u64())
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Hash40 {
pub crc32: u32,
pub len: u8,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct U24(pub [u8; 3]);
impl U24 {
pub fn as_u32(&self) -> u32 {
u32::from_le_bytes([self.0[0], self.0[1], self.0[2], 0])
impl fmt::Debug for U24 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self.as_u32())
impl fmt::Debug for Hash40 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "0x{:x}", self.as_u64())
impl Hash40 {
pub fn as_u64(&self) -> u64 {
(self.crc32 as u64) + ((self.len as u64) << 32)
impl LoadedTables {
pub fn get_arc(&self) -> &LoadedArc {
pub fn get_search(&self) -> &LoadedSearch {
pub fn get_arc_mut(&mut self) -> &mut LoadedArc {
&mut self.loaded_data.arc
pub fn get_search_mut(&mut self) -> &LoadedSearch {
pub fn get_instance() -> &'static mut Self {
unsafe {
let instance_ptr: *mut &'static mut Self =
pub fn get_hash_from_t1_index(&self, t1_index: u32) -> Hash40 {
let arc = self.get_arc();
let path_table = arc.file_info_path;
let file_info = unsafe { &*path_table.offset(t1_index as isize) };
pub fn table_1(&self) -> &[Table1Entry] {
unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.table1, self.table1_len as usize) }
pub fn table_1_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Table1Entry] {
unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.table1, self.table1_len as usize) }
pub fn table_2(&self) -> &[Table2Entry] {
unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.table2, self.table2_len as usize) }
pub fn table_2_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Table2Entry] {
unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.table2, self.table2_len as usize) }
pub fn get_t1_mut(&mut self, t1_index: u32) -> Result<&mut Table1Entry, LoadError> {
.get_mut(t1_index as usize)
pub fn get_t2(&self, t1_index: u32) -> Result<&Table2Entry, LoadError> {
let t1 = self
.get(t1_index as usize)
let t2_index = t1.table2_index as usize;
pub fn get_t2_mut(&mut self, t1_index: u32) -> Result<&mut Table2Entry, LoadError> {
let t1 = self
.get(t1_index as usize)
let t2_index = t1.table2_index as usize;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum LoadError {
pub struct FileNX {
vtable: *const (),
unk1: *const (),
unk2: u32,
pub is_open: u32,
pub file_handle: *mut nn::fs::FileHandle,
unk3: u32,
pub position: u64,
pub filename_fixedstring: [u8; 516],
unk4: u32,
pub struct ResServiceState {
pub mutex: *mut nn::os::MutexType,
pub res_update_event: *mut nn::os::EventType,
unk1: *const (),
pub io_swap_event: *mut nn::os::EventType,
unk2: *const (),
pub semaphore1: *const (),
pub semaphore2: *const (),
pub res_update_thread: *mut nn::os::ThreadType,
pub res_loading_thread: *mut nn::os::ThreadType,
pub res_inflate_thread: *mut nn::os::ThreadType,
unk4: *const (),
unk5: [CppVector<CppVector<u32>>; 4],
unk6: *const (),
unk7: *const (),
unk8: *const (),
pub loaded_tables: *mut LoadedTables,
pub unk_region_idx: u32,
pub regular_region_idx: u32,
unk9: u32,
pub state: i16,
pub is_loader_thread_running: bool,
unk10: u8,
pub data_arc_string: [u8; 256],
unk11: *const (),
pub data_arc_filenx: *mut FileNX,
pub buffer_size: usize,
pub buffer_array: [*const skyline::libc::c_void; 2],
pub buffer_array_idx: u32,
unk12: *const (),
pub data_ptr: *const skyline::libc::c_void,
pub offset_into_read: u64,
impl ResServiceState {
pub fn get_instance() -> &'static mut Self {
unsafe {
let instance_ptr: *mut &'static mut Self =