[][src]Struct smash::lua2cpp::L2CFighterAIActionBase

#[repr(C)]pub struct L2CFighterAIActionBase {
    pub fighter_base: L2CFighterBase,


fighter_base: L2CFighterBase


impl L2CFighterAIActionBase[src][]

pub unsafe fn init_lines(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn change_phase(
    &mut self,
    arg1: L2CValue,
    arg2: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn regist_action(
    &mut self,
    arg1: L2CValue,
    arg2: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn main_func__act_c_air(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn init_global_variables(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__act_r_jump(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_AIR__init(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn init_private_variables(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__act_a_final(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___R_JUMP__init(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn regist_action_override(
    &mut self,
    arg1: L2CValue,
    arg2: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn local_func__act_c_air_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__act_c_ground(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__phase_r_jump(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___A_FINAL__init(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__act_r_jump_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__act_r_jump_2(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__function_sp_u(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__init(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__act_r_act_last(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__phase_sp_after(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___R_JUMP__phase_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__act_c_ground_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__act_a_catch_atk(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__phase_c_command(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___R_ACT_LAST__init(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn call_function_change_action(&mut self, arg1: L2CValue) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn function_phase_init_for_air(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__function_sp_u_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__function_sp_u_2(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___A_CATCH_ATK__init(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_AIR__phase_init(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn global__COMMON__phase_r_jump(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__act_r_act_last_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__act_r_act_last_2(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__act_r_act_last_3(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__phase_sp_after_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__phase_sp_after_2(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__phase_sp_after_3(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__phase_sp_after_4(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__phase_sp_after_5(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__function_set_goal(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_AIR__phase_start(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn global__COMMON__function_sp_u(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__act_a_catch_atk_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__phase_c_command_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___A_FINAL__phase_init(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___R_ACT_LAST__phase_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___R_ACT_LAST__phase_2(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn call_function_update_coroutine(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn function_phase_init_for_ground(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn global__COMMON__phase_sp_after(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__function_sp_u_check(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_AIR__phase_lr_wait(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__phase_init(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_up(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_AIR__phase_end_wait(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__phase_start(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_AIR__function_set_lr(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_AIR__phase_pre_start(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn global__COMMON__function_set_goal(
    &mut self,
    arg1: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn local_func__function_sp_u_check_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_back(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_left(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_wait(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__phase_neutral(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__action_global_variables(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_front(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_right(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_throw(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_AIR__phase_hi_low_wait(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__phase_check_lr(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__phase_end_wait(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn global__COMMON__function_sp_u_check(
    &mut self,
    arg1: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn main_func__action_private_variables(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_attack(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_bottom(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___COMMON__phase_command_end(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_AIR__function_set_hi_low(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__phase_start_dash(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__action_global_variables_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__function_r_jump_exit_check(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn main_func__function_r_jump_sp_u_check(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___COMMON__phase_command_start(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__phase_hi_low_wait(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn local_func__action_private_variables_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___COMMON__phase_command_start2(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__function_set_stick(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_AIR__init(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn main_func__function_r_jump_timing_check(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__function_set_hi_low(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___R_JUMP__init(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn local_func__function_r_jump_sp_u_check_1(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_FINAL__init(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn private___COMMON__phase_button_or_command(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__init(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn global__COMMON__function_r_jump_exit_check(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn global__COMMON__function_r_jump_sp_u_check(
    &mut self,
    arg1: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn private___A_CATCH_ATK__function_after_wait(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__function_set_end_frame(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__function_set_key_frame(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___R_JUMP__phase_1(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___R_ACT_LAST__init(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn global__COMMON__function_r_jump_timing_check(
    &mut self,
    arg1: L2CValue,
    arg2: L2CValue,
    arg3: L2CValue,
    arg4: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__function_force_end_check(
    &mut self
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_CATCH_ATK__init(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_AIR__phase_init(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__function_hi_low_use_check(
    &mut self
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__function_is_status_shield(
    &mut self
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_global__COMMON__phase_r_jump(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_AIR__phase_start(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_global__COMMON__function_sp_u(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_FINAL__phase_init(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___R_ACT_LAST__phase_1(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___R_ACT_LAST__phase_2(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn private___C_GROUND__function_is_special_command(
    &mut self,
    arg1: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_global__COMMON__phase_sp_after(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_AIR__phase_lr_wait(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__phase_init(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn private___A_CATCH_ATK__function_get_padding_wait(
    &mut self
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_up(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_AIR__phase_end_wait(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__phase_start(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn exit(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_AIR__function_set_lr(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_AIR__phase_pre_start(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn global__COMMON__function_change_phase_to_c_command(
    &mut self,
    arg1: L2CValue,
    arg2: L2CValue,
    arg3: L2CValue,
    arg4: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_global__COMMON__function_set_goal(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent,
    arg2: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_back(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_left(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_wait(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__phase_neutral(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_front(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_right(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_throw(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_AIR__phase_hi_low_wait(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__phase_check_lr(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__phase_end_wait(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_global__COMMON__function_sp_u_check(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent,
    arg2: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_attack(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_CATCH_ATK__phase_bottom(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___COMMON__phase_command_end(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_AIR__function_set_hi_low(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__phase_start_dash(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___COMMON__phase_command_start(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__phase_hi_low_wait(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___COMMON__phase_command_start2(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__function_set_stick(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__function_set_hi_low(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___COMMON__phase_button_or_command(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn ENTRY(&mut self) -> L2CValue[src]

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_global__COMMON__function_r_jump_exit_check(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_global__COMMON__function_r_jump_sp_u_check(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent,
    arg2: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_CATCH_ATK__function_after_wait(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__function_set_end_frame(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__function_set_key_frame(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_global__COMMON__function_r_jump_timing_check(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent,
    arg2: L2CValue,
    arg3: L2CValue,
    arg4: L2CValue,
    arg5: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__function_force_end_check(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__function_hi_low_use_check(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__function_is_status_shield(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___C_GROUND__function_is_special_command(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent,
    arg2: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_private___A_CATCH_ATK__function_get_padding_wait(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn bind_address_call_global__COMMON__function_change_phase_to_c_command(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut L2CAgent,
    arg2: L2CValue,
    arg3: L2CValue,
    arg4: L2CValue,
    arg5: L2CValue
) -> L2CValue

pub unsafe fn L2CFighterAIActionBase(
    &mut self,
    arg1: &mut BattleObject,
    arg2: &mut BattleObjectModuleAccessor,
    arg3: &mut lua_State
) -> L2CValue

Trait Implementations

impl Clone for L2CFighterAIActionBase[src][+]

impl Copy for L2CFighterAIActionBase[src]

impl Debug for L2CFighterAIActionBase[src][+]

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for L2CFighterAIActionBase

impl !Send for L2CFighterAIActionBase

impl !Sync for L2CFighterAIActionBase

impl Unpin for L2CFighterAIActionBase

impl UnwindSafe for L2CFighterAIActionBase

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src][+]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.