[−][src]Module smash::app::lua_bind::PostureModule
add_pos⚠ | |
add_pos_2d⚠ | |
base_scale⚠ | |
init_pos⚠ | |
init_rot⚠ | |
init_rot_2⚠ | |
init_rot_y_lr⚠ | |
init_scale⚠ | |
is_rot_y_lr_different_inner_lr⚠ | |
lr⚠ | Returns the current direction the current battle object is facing. -1 = left, 1 = right |
owner_scale⚠ | |
pos⚠ | |
pos_2d⚠ | |
pos_x⚠ | Returns stage X position of the object |
pos_y⚠ | Returns stage Y position of the object |
pos_z⚠ | Returns stage Z position of the object |
prev_pos⚠ | |
prev_pos_2d⚠ | |
reverse_lr⚠ | Reverses the direction that the current battle object is facing |
reverse_rot_y_lr⚠ | |
rot⚠ | |
rot_x⚠ | |
rot_y⚠ | |
rot_y_lr⚠ | |
rot_z⚠ | |
scale⚠ | |
set_link_scale⚠ | |
set_lr⚠ | Sets the direction faced for the current battle object. |
set_owner_scale⚠ | |
set_pos⚠ | |
set_pos_2d⚠ | |
set_rot⚠ | |
set_scale⚠ | |
set_stick_lr⚠ | |
set_sync_constraint_joint⚠ | |
update_rot_y_lr⚠ | Updates the current battle object's orientation. Usually used in conjunction with PostureModule::set_lr or PostureModule::reverse_lr |